Courtney Galluzzo

Courtney Galluzzo

About Courtney Galluzzo

Courtney Galluzzo is a former radio show host based in New Hampshire. For years, Courtney served as the owner of Great Eastern Radio WTPL FM, where he was able to see firsthand just how impactful radio stations can be for local communities that want to hear great music, remain connected with news and updates, and more. At Great Eastern Radio, Courtney was responsible for a wide variety of duties such as facilitation the sale of advertising space, assisting with overseeing the station’s staff, ensuring compliance with current broadcast standards, and upholding the station’s culture and brand.

While Courtney no longer owns Great Eastern Radio, he continues to serve as a resource for new professionals in the space who want to grow their understanding of hosting techniques, DJing, and a variety of other skills associated with the craft. Mr. Galluzzo mentions that radio brings more than just entertainment to stations’ broadcast ranges. Radio stations play a vital role in communities by acting as cornerstones that foster a sense of belonging that many are looking for in the age of digital music, podcasting, and streaming.

Those who have tuned in to Courtney’s radio shows during his time with Great Eastern Radio speak to how he is a professional who cares deeply for his local community and enjoyed bringing smiles to his listeners’ faces. Colleagues mention that Courtney Galluzzo’s passion for his work was evident in everything that he did for the station, and he was known for his willingness to teach, reputation for keeping a well maintained and operated station, as well as his profound interest in continuing to develop his skills as a leader and station owner. — Your Resource for Radio Insights

Courtney Galluzzo was created as a platform dedicated to helping individuals learn about the ins and outs of the space through informative posts based on Courtney’s experiences and insights.

One of the most interesting parts about working in radio is that there are always new things to learn, essential skills to brush up on, evolving best practices, and additional ways to display your interest in connecting with the local community. This is why this site will include content that explores the realities of radio show hosting and station ownership with information valuable for both new professionals, experienced radio leaders, and listeners alike.

Want to learn more about radio? You’ve come to the right place! Check out future posts on this site for comprehensive info on topics such as:


Courtney spent years in radio as both a host and owner, building skills that empowered him to bring his station to the next level. With this in mind, the primary goal of this site is to share radio resources that break down key processes in the space and explore why radio is important to so many people nationwide. For content addressing the work that goes into radio ownership and management, essential skills for success in the space, and much more, this site has you covered!


Through Courtney’s radio experience and his free time, he developed a love for music that continues to this day. Since having an appreciation for the classics and latest tracks and an understanding of what people want to hear is so important for many who want to be involved in the radio industry, readers can expect that this site will include music information that spans genre. This includes creating playlists, insights into how songs are chosen for radio play, and more.

Professional Development Insights for Radio Professionals

Courtney Galluzzo

Radio can appear as a daunting landscape to people who are just stepping into the space. After all, as our world becomes increasingly digital, radio professionals may have thoughts, feelings, and concerns about keeping up with streaming and other mediums. Courtney finds that contributing to professional development conversations with radio professionals in line is key for showing others just how much value exists in the industry for those who have a passion for it. This is why future posts aim to include professional development insights for new and experienced professionals, radio stations, and even those considering a career within the industry alike, breaking down best practices, tried and true tips, and available learning opportunities.

Inside Looks at Courtney’s Radio Station Experiences

Radio has changed a lot over the course of Courtney’s experience, and it is his belief that those who are interested in the industry personally or professionally can learn a great deal from his past dealings in radio. For this reason, readers can expect this site to include insights based on Courtney’s past experiences as both a host and station owner, shedding light on successes, challenges, and what he learned during his tenure.

Radio News and Interesting Updates

From the outside looking in, radio today may seem quite similar to the past, but the fact remains that radio is in a constant state of evolution to maintain connection with its listeners, refine best practices, etc. Keeping up with news in the radio industry, therefore, can be extremely valuable for helping professionals, radio stations, and listeners stay on the cutting edge of new technologies, commentary, partnerships, compliance changes, the list goes on. is your one-stop-shop for informative radio news.

Interested in More on Radio and Related Topics?

If you are interested in learning more about radio station ownership, hosting, operations, and a variety of associated topics based on Courtney Galluzzo’s insights, feel free to tune in for future posts!